Historical, Unique Literary, Art & Music Tours in United Kingdom for Seniors
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Bienvenue a notre tour divertissant pour découvrir les trésors du British Museum! Parfait pour les personnes seules, les couples, les groupes d’amis ou les familles. Nous aurons des jeux, des énigmes, des compétitions et des faits amusants qui donneront vraiment vie au musée. Le British Museum est dédié à l’histoire humaine, l’art et la culture. […]
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Discover the treasure of Troy: Myth and Reality in this entertaining and relaxed guided tour. The story of a great city, plunged into a 10-year war over the abduction of the most beautiful woman in the world, is irresistibly dramatic and tragic. This allure has sent adventurers and archaeologists in quest of the lost city, […]
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This is a full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to some of the places associated with the Bronte family.
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This is a unique, full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to the heart of Wordsworth country in addition to other places associated with William, his sister Dorothy, his friend Thomas de Quincey and the Romantic Poets Robert Southey & S. T. Coleridge
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This half-day tour takes you to the heart of Wordsworth country, visiting the homes where he lived, the places that inspired him so deeply and the area where he wrote his famous poetry.
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This half-day tour takes you to the heart of Wordsworth country, visiting the homes where he lived, the places that inspired him so deeply and the area where he wrote his famous poetry.
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This is a full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to the heart of Beatrix Potter country and additional places associated with Beatrix Potter. Entry to all of the featured locations are included in the price.
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This is a unique, full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to the places in the southern Lake District associated with John Ruskin, the Pre-Raphaelites and the Arts & Crafts Movement.
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This is a unique, full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to the heart of Wordsworth country in addition to other places associated with William, his sister Dorothy, his friend Thomas de Quincey and the Romantic Poets Robert Southey & S. T. Coleridge
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This is a full-day all-inclusive tour which takes you to the heart of Beatrix Potter country and additional places associated with Beatrix Potter. Entry to all of the featured locations are included in the price.